youth ministry

(6th grade - 12th grade)

Join us on Sundays and wednesdays!

Every Sunday morning we offer youth Sunday Groups for Grades 6th-8th and Grades 9th-12th. We also have a youth service in our youth room with student-led music and exciting opportunities to grow and learn with other students on Wednesday and Sunday Nights.

youth group!

Our youth gather each week to  worship together, play games, and ultimately grow in their Christian walk with their fellow students.

Senior High Youth Group for grades 6-12 is Wednesdays from 6:00PM-8:30PM September 20th through mid-June.

we're on facebook!

Stay up to date with everything happening in the Bemus Point MC Youth by joining our group on Facebook! You can click here or search for "Bemus Point UMC Youth" in the search bar on Facebook!

Location and times

Our student ministry takes place in our youth room located on the second floor of our main building at 4953 Bemus-Ellery Road, Bemus Point, NY 14712.

Youth Sunday Groups: 

Grades 6th-8th at 10:05AM

Grades 9th-12th at 10:05AM

Youth Group:

Wednesdays: Grades 6th-12th, 6:00PM-8:30PM

Safe Sanctuary Policy

Here at Bemus Point MC, we believe that church should be a safe place for everyoneMany years ago our church developed a policy to live out our unwavering commitment to the physical, emotional, and spiritual safety of all our children, youth, and vulnerable adults, as well as the volunteers who work with them.  In recent years, this policy has been updated and renamed “Safe Sanctuaries.”


What’s in our Safe Sanctuary Policy?

You can read a copy of our Safe Sanctuaries Policy here or pick up a paper copy from the Welcome Desk in our Gallery.


Our policy has three basic purposes:

  • To ensure that the volunteers who work with children, youth, and vulnerable adults are screened (including a basic background check) and trained properly
  • To establish safety policies for church activities
  • To establish a clear procedure for responding to and reporting allegations or incidents of abuse


Why do we need this policy in our church?

Safe Sanctuaries is all about making our congregation a safe place where anyone may experience God’s love and fellowship within a community of faith that respects healthy boundaries.